A decade of delivering for Jersey Finance

We have worked with Jersey Finance Limited for over a decade and delivered hours of creative communication content. From Live streams during covid times to ‘Life in Finance’ features we enjoy working with the entire international marketing and events team.

Most recently we delivered a film all about Jersey’s Relationship with the Gulf Region which was filmed on location in Dubai and Jersey.

Watch below…

Jersey’s Relationship with the Gulf Region from Jersey Finance on Vimeo.

Sun Shines on Scottish Surfing

Once again the 3Ci Sport team were asked to live stream the Scottish Surfing Federation’s national championships and the team hit the road bound for Thurso over the Easter weekend.

From Jersey to Portsmouth to Thurso and back is an amazing road trip. Especially when the Scottish Highlands offer up winter conditions and spectacular scenery.

With the snow gone, the sun shone all weekend on what was an exciting and competitive competition.

Check out this short round up of the action!

10 Years Creative Communication Content

Here’s to the next decade of 3C International & 3Ci Sport

Eagle-eyed viewers will have noticed a small modification to our brand mark!

As our creative communication content company hits double figures we couldn’t be prouder of the work we’ve achieved over the years for a multitude of clients.

From filming the world’s rarest primates in the Amazon rainforest to the cricket fields of Vanuatu in the South Pacific, our team members have worked on some fantastic projects near and far.

Whether it’s traveling from LA to Tokyo with one of our original customers in the Electric Vehicle space or grabbing the attention of any of our Financial Services clients’ global workforce with internal leadership films, we’ve thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

Turning ten is a mile stone founders Tom and Phil are delighted to celebrate. Watch this space for some interesting videos over the coming months that shine a spotlight on all things Creative Communication Content.

Fairway Group Brand Animation

What do you say when asked to bring an origami Koi to life? “YES!” …of course!

Fairway Group had just been through a rebrand with their design agency and we were supplied with flat images of their new visuals.

At first glance we thought the Koi, the turtle, the crane and the boat were 3D models but it turns out the clever agency people had actually made and photographed these paper models with print and digital channels in mind.

Our motion graphics guy scratched his head for a bit and came up with the answer! By taking elements of various test images and stitching them together with the chosen shot, adding character rigging, camera moves and a certain amount of frame blending we were able to breath life into these inanimate critters.

The end result is a natural flowing journey through Fairway Group’s business sectors that imparts key marketing messages in an engaging short motion graphic film that we at 3Ci are all very proud of!

USA Cricket #CPL2017

In the run up to the Caribbean Premier League in the summer of 2017 3Ci travelled to Florida for the USA Cricket warm up games scheduled to take place against CPL teams.

In addition to the action on the pitch, USA Cricket was involved in team building and local grass roots initiatives.

All of this was captured in an effort to tell the story behind USA Cricket in the build up to the organisations re-brand.

Jersey Zoo – Visitor Centre

3C International has been a long term production partner with the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and Jersey Zoo.

Following a re-brand we were approached to refresh the Visitor Centre welcome video including some fun animated animals.

Our motion graphics guy set about breathing life into the new animal icons which now inform and hopefully entertain visitors as they check in at Jersey Zoo.

Pexip – The Scaleable Meeting Platform

Our relationship with Pexip started out when we helped them celebrate their 5th year in business with an internal video for playout at their party in Oslo!

From there we went on to work with the Norway and US based marketing teams to produce content at their tradeshows including, product demos, interviews & testimonials with customers at the Pexip Booth.

Subsequently 3Ci was commissioned to travel to London and Dublin to film customer stories at Arup and Hewlett Packard Enterprise. These short films were used by Pexip to showcase their services to Microsoft in Seattle, a process which helped lead on to their Microsoft partnership status.